Saturday, August 24, 2019

Justice and policing in United Arab Emirates Research Paper

Justice and policing in United Arab Emirates - Research Paper Example A research conducted under Hauser Global Law School Program found out that, â€Å"although the core principles of law in the UAE are drawn from Sharia, most legislation is comprised of a mix of Islamic and European concepts of civil law, which have a common root in the Egyptian legal code established in the late 19th to 20th centuries.† The justice system of the UAE is straightforward and the security and integrity of this region is attributed to its strict laws and regulations that its citizens and visitors are bound to follow. The working of the justice system is different in the UAE from many other countries in a lot of ways. In general, the legal system of many countries is shaped by precedents but in the case of the UAE, each case is treated as a new case and analyzed according to its circumstances. Furthermore, it is noteworthy to mention here that the courts in the UAE conduct in Arabic language, so legal representation is required to be well versed in Arabic. Thus lang uage barrier can be an issue for someone who is not familiar with Arabic and this can be particularly a problem for foreigners who may be involved in civil or financial-related disputes in the UAE. The criminal court of the UAE deals with all kinds of minor offenses and heinous crimes. As the UAE is constituted by seven emirates and each emirate has its own criminal courts, therefore, the justice system is strongly interconnected throughout the UAE. The independence of Federal judiciary â€Å"is guaranteed by the constitution† and it comprises of the Supreme Court and the courts of First Instance.

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