Thursday, September 12, 2019

What happens here, Stays here Las Vegas Campaign Essay

What happens here, Stays here Las Vegas Campaign - Essay Example epresents a tremendous revenue stream for the city of Las Vegas, requiring the city to put forth sizeable effort at attracting mass quantities of consumers to its nightlife and recreational facilities. Las Vegas, as a unique American destination, maintains a significant strategic advantage over traditional product brands, as the business does not have to rely on measuring market share against competitors. There are few destinations with the same quality of spectacle and recreation provided by the entire city of Las Vegas, thus the city can focus solely on its product features, benefits and services as a unique travel destination. Though other cities across the country require tourism dollars, Vegas is in a class by itself for adult entertainment. The marketing focus is also to encourage international consumers to visit the city as part of Las Vegas’ marketing focus (Fowler, B.1). Up until only recently, Las Vegas had been positioned as a family destination, with previous marketing efforts focusing on the theme park varieties and water-park recreation provided by the city to lure family revenue dollars. One notable author describes the previous Las Vegas marketing campaign, focused on family, as a conglomerate of â€Å"T-shirt packs of doughnut inhalers roaming the casinos like livestock† (Anderson, 1). This represented a marketing focus where the targeted consumer was the family demographic, potentially creating conflict between the more adult-oriented consumer who looked at Vegas as an escape for adult entertainment and exciting, casino recreation. The shift in marketing focus from family-oriented to a more risquà © campaign illustrates a total change in target market focus. Las Vegas marketers also maintain a very mass advertising philosophy where individual target consumers are not the focus, but appeals to the mass consumer audience comprised of business professionals, young adults, and any other age or background demographic available in the United States.

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