Friday, October 4, 2019

Human sexuality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Human sexuality - Essay Example Much of the literature avoids the issue of heterosexual anal sex as if it were an abnormal behavior, but studies are increasingly indicating that this is not the case and that anal sex may present a much greater risk for disease transmission than many people realize. By looking at four recent studies into the special issues that confront heterosexual couples who engage in anal sex, it will be understood why more studies and public education efforts must be made if the spread of AIDS is to be curtailed. Barry Schoub (1999) illustrates the various ways in which HIV is transmitted from one human being to another, highlighting the need for the virus to be transferred intravenously, i.e. through the bloodstream. The primary bodily fluids in which the virus is transferred, though, are reported to be blood, vaginal fluid and semen (Schoub, 1999: 92). In discussing the transmission types, particularly as it applies to the virus in vaginal fluid and semen, Schoub highlights the presence of greater numbers of CD4 receptor sites, which improve the chances of the HIV virus finding a new home in the uninfected partner. Because of this, he indicates transmission of the virus can occur after only one exposure with very little secretions exchanged (Schoub, 1999). While a great deal of his study focuses on the susceptibility of the CD4 cells in the male and female genitalia, Schoub also points to the problem of M-cells located in the rectum as these cells could be especially vulnerable to infectio n during such activities as anal sex (Schoub, 1999). This connection to anal sex brings several concerns to the forefront as this particular practice has been a rather taboo subject in most studies regarding the spread of AIDS and HIV. In â€Å"Assessing the Role of Anal Intercourse in the Epidemiology of AIDS in Africa† (2003), researchers Stuart Brody and John Potterat review published

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