Monday, December 16, 2019

Where is Cole Group vulnerable What should it watch out for Free Essays

Question 2: Where is Cole Group vulnerable? What should it watch out for? As a company with millions of customer throughout 2, 900 stores, The Coles Group certainly be one of the top companies in Australia and New Zealand. However, it has lost its market share to the more enhanced and focused Woolworths company. The loyalty program battleground between two companies seemed more advantages over the Woolworths side since it gained 40% of market share with less on 50% advertising spending. We will write a custom essay sample on Where is Cole Group vulnerable? What should it watch out for? or any similar topic only for you Order Now There are some possible problems the Coles Group has to consider while managing its broad relationship marketing programs. First, their customer may find it very difficult to understand and remember all the complexity of saving points promotion. Second, it may cost even more in advertising and marketing to inform the customer all the benefits they can get from the diverse collection of Coles Group promotions. People are confused to count all the points, discount, actual value they can get from the FlyBuys card. On the other hand, The Woolworths offered the simple, logical program of discounts points via Woolworths Credit Card, so the Woolworths can deliver these loyalty programs to the customer better. Moreover, with millions of members through FlyBuys and Coles Group Source MasterCard, the system may misreport the reward points for the customer and cause some serious customer complaints. References: Bianca Hartge-Hazelman. (2012, 11 July). The loyalty program battle ground .The Australian Financial Review. Retrieved 11 July 2012 from Madeleine Ross(2012, 7 Dec). Coles vs Woolworths: Who’s winning?. Retrieved 11 July 2012 from References cá » §a Case Coles Group. (2007). Welcome to Coles Group Limited. 1 November 2007, from Fenner, R. (2006, 31 July). Coles plans comeback to recoup market share [Electronic Version]. Retrieved 3 November 2007 from Fenner, R., Choudhury, A. (2006, 13 March). Coles Myer to offload its department stores [Electronic Version]. International Herald Tribune. Retrieved 1 November 2007 from FlyBuys. (2007). Frequent Questions [Electronic Version]. Retrieved 1 November 2007 from Howarth, B. (2007, 3 October). Beer and nappies and so much more [Electronic Version]. The Age. Retrieved 1 November 2007 from (2004, 19 July). Woolworths reports $27.9b annual sales [Electronic Version]. Retrieved 1 November 2007 from Woolworths. (2007). The fresh food people. Retrieved 3 November, 2007, from How to cite Where is Cole Group vulnerable? What should it watch out for?, Papers

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