Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Concerns about Research Methods Course Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Concerns about Research Methods Course - Essay Example I have been looking forward to this class on nursing research because of my impetus to generate and propagate the outcomes of this course for the betterment of the health care profession as well as for my own mental and intellectualistic growth. However, I think that I would like a course in nursing research methods better if more nurses came forward to enroll in research courses as that would have increased my interacting and communication skills. Secondly, it would have been appealing if more financial aid from the government was available for research courses. Qualitative research focuses on the principles of phenomenology as well as biological statistical methods and techniques, and I think that a class in nursing research will improve my effectiveness as a nurse. It will also help me in conducting a lot of interviews to study human consciousness, tabulating the results I receive, analyzing numerous case studies and mastering ethnography. I will be studying diverse human cultures and recording the results which will definitely increase my efficiency as a nurse. Inevitably, I will be a more effective nurse once this research course ends. Furthermore, the research course will improve my knowledge of scientific methods used for clinical practice, enhance my ability to recognize the symptoms of diseases and provide effective palliative care (Sirotnik

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